import json import re from subprocess import run def get_names(): filters = [] with open("./filternames.txt", "r") as infile: input = infile.readlines() input = [l.strip() for l in input] for index, l in enumerate(input): parts = re.split(r" +", l) filter_meta = parts[0] filter_name = parts[1] filter_type = parts[2] description = " ".join(parts[3:]) item = { "id": index, "meta": filter_meta, "name": filter_name, "type": filter_type, "description": description, } filters.append(item) return filters def get_params(f): help_text = run( ["ffmpeg", "-hide_banner", "-h", f"filter={f['name']}"], text=True, capture_output=True, ) text = help_text.stdout try: text = text.split("AVOptions:")[1] except Exception as e: return f lines = text.split("\n") params = [] for l in lines: if not l.startswith(" "): continue issub = l.startswith(" ") parts = re.split(r" +", l)[1:] if not issub: item = { "name": parts[0], "type": re.sub("[<>]", "", parts[1]), "desc": " ".join(parts[3:]), "min": None, "max": None, "default": None, } search ="\(from (.*?) to (.*?)\)", item["desc"]) if search: item["min"] = item["max"] = search ="\(default (.*?)\)", item["desc"]) if search: item["default"] = params.append(item) if item.get("max", 0) in ["INT_MAX", "FLT_MAX", "DBL_MAX", "I64_MAX"]: item["max"] = 2147483647 if item.get("min", 0) in [ "INT_MIN", "FLT_MIN", "DBL_MIN", "-DBL_MAX", "I64_MIN", "-FLT_MAX", ]: item["min"] = -2147483648 if item.get("default", 0) in ["INT_MAX", "FLT_MAX", "DBL_MAX", "I64_MAX"]: item["default"] = 2147483647 if item.get("default", 0) in [ "INT_MIN", "FLT_MIN", "DBL_MIN", "-DBL_MAX", "I64_MAX", ]: item["default"] = -2147483648 if item["default"] == "nan": item["default"] = None if item["type"] == "float" or item["type"] == "double": item["min"] = float(item["min"]) item["max"] = float(item["max"]) if item["default"]: item["default"] = float(item["default"]) if item["type"] == "int": try: item["min"] = int(item["min"]) item["max"] = int(item["max"]) if item["default"]: item["default"] = int(item["default"]) except Exception as e: pass if type(item["default"]) == str: item["default"] = item["default"].replace("'", "").replace('"', "") else: item = {"value": parts[0], "desc": " ".join(parts[3:])} if "options" not in params[-1]: params[-1]["options"] = [] params[-1]["options"].append(item) f["params"] = params return f filters = get_names() filters = [get_params(f) for f in filters] with open("./src/filters.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(filters, outfile, indent=2)