1 andyc
Andy C. edited this page 2023-10-18 21:37:35 -04:00

Hi! I'm Andy (he/him.) I'm a programmer, musician, and inveterate yak-shaver.

I caught the programming bug from an after-school LOGO class in third grade. My family got a Commodore 64 not long after, and I got pretty good at BASIC. Picked up HTML in the mid-1990s, rediscovered programming just in time for the dot com bubble to pop, and have spent a lot of the years since then with the same small crew in a niche industry. My current title is "Senior Software Engineer," which I guess is about right, although there are still days when I feel like two kids in a trenchcoat who snuck into this industry.

Music-wise, I play (mostly electric) guitar and spent most of the 2010s down the 19th/early 20th century 5-string banjo rabbit hole. I'm currently playing in a trio that's still in nucleus mode. I'll try to remember to update this bio when I figure out how the heck to decsribe our sound.